
In Enyptian Palance,Shirine@Desert

This is the Princess of Enyptian....Is she beautiful?

The plane of the Enyptian Palance~~

The wall painting is nice!

I like this pool^_^

Here Is Enyptian Shrine....

The Enterence of Shirine...Click the door and enter~~

If u success to get enter inside...u will see two road to choose...
You just Choose the left hand side....faster u enter the main place!

The inside what u see is a....

The Coffin!!!U should play a games after the UNKNOWN things come out!

Here!! The UNKNOWN is coming out...
just click it and play then u can buy things~

The Desert In Enyptian!!!

How hard the labour working in the bright sunlight!!

The master of the Desert...wahaha....cant see his face!

